Thursday, January 14, 2010


Anger is something that many of us experience. Many of us are told to not be angry, that it is a waste of time, a waste of energy, an inhibition to our spiritual growth. I, on the other hand, have finally decided that I completely disagree. I have held in anger for so long, I would choke someone within reach if I didn't have carpal tunnel from doing every one's hair (for less than retail).

If Yoda were here he would speak to me and say ,

"Fear is the path that leads to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

However, this isn't Star Wars, I am not Princess Leia, who was graced to not only be a heiress, but impregnated by the best genes on all planets, who I might add, also had a somewhat questionable upbringing.

This is the United States of American and I have yet to see a Jedi Knight, so it's time to get angry and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

I have expressed my anger most recently, walking down main street after 3 glasses of wine on an empty stomach, telling off a patrol office. This landed me straight to the Drunk Tank; it was my first time. I am certainly positive that I wasn't much of a threat, but it made their night and apparently a great story for me. The black eye and banging on the steel door wasn't as much fun as the three glasses of wine, previously to that, in a public, non-confining environment.

I also have developed a great need for acid reflux medication, which is not a condition from genetics, it is a condition from our society's need to suppress your personality with anti-depressants and alcohol so you can keep your job. For some of you, it works for keeping your boyfriend or spouse, but I've never kept a boyfriend or a job, or had a spouse; mine is only to keep you interested.

I exercise plenty, just in case my Doctor reads this and decides to cut me off my medications, or lower my dose, the problems isn't my lack of motivation and healthy activity. My problems is that I've been too Bleeping nice for too Bleeping long, to the wrong Bleeping people.

In my quest for life, love and answers, I will no longer keep in my cynicism, my emotions, my honest opinion of you, so be careful, and be nice.

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